What came 1st, the chicken or the egg
From my experience, everything has had a beginning or being born period to their life. The thing that i want to know is how did the 1st spark of life begin? How was something born from nothing? it seems that all there sould be is blackness. Where did the 1st piece of dust come from or anything. I personally like to call that 1st spark of life God. And to me God is Life. God is all encompassing One. God is all of time and all of existence. And i feel that i am God also but only as a tiny drop of water in a very large ocean. God is Love. But i couldn't say for certain that God was a thinking entity. So what i'm really wondering is how God was born. Does God have parents? Does God wonder or even know where he came from? Do other Gods exist above our God and chuckle as they watch him chuckle over us. And if so how were they born? The best answer i can get is that the human mind can't comprehend. Or maybe it's just my human mind. How can something just always be? What came 1st, the chicken or the egg?