Now, this person is completely responsible for all of these actions, and yet acted irresponsibly.
I disagree. This person only acted irresponsibly because society generally disproves of non-monogamous relationships. The guilt comes from internalizing the nonsense rules that society imposes. Rationalizing those nonsense rules away is a good thing; when closely examined, very few of society's rules make any sense because so many are based on superstition, antiquated notions of morality and just plain stupidity. The individual should be free to act in his/her best interests, not just what society says is best. I think an excellent way of determining what is or is not in one's best interests is by rationally examining the situation. One may or may not always reach the best decision (or even the most rational one), but I have to believe it is generally better than just going with whatever you "feel" is the best at any given moment.
Using rationality to justify past behaviour isn't quite as noble as thinking about it ahead of time, but at least the person is thinking logically, and maybe it's good practice, whereby the person will get in the habit of thinking rationally instead of always going with his/her feelings.