All this information for a beginner will distract them from establishing a good routine. They will become obsessed by the mastabatory minutae and never see decent results.
Such confusion will mean the beginner becomes a protein drink slurping, leg extending, bicep curling pumper.
This is funny:
I don't do squats because I'd rather not risk a back injury. I did not tell others that they can't do them, I just said I won't. I think my 15 years of skateboarding did a good enough job teaching me how to balance, buddy.
That has to be the most amusing excuse for not squatting that I have ever read!
You will only injure yourself squatting if you use bad form, too heavy weights, or genuinely have a structural weakness in your back. So which reason is it? You obviously have a healthy back if you can skateboard, so perhaps it is the ego crush of below-parallel squatting that you are really making excuses for.
Otherwise, by not squatting you are depriving yourself of gains.
Ha, you probably think squats are a leg isolation excercise too! ah la the "expert" advice of "Muscle and Fitness" and "Flex" magazines.
When in doubt, squat on.