Thread: Hypoglycemic?
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Old 07-29-2004, 05:45 PM   #2 (permalink)
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raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
My Mom was hypoglycemic. I tend to have "hypoglycemic" episodes but my blood sugar doesn't flucuate enough to be classified as hypoglycemic.

My mom had it bad, if she skipped lunch or ate something high in carbs sugars she ended up feeling extremely tired in the afternoon and often had a bad headache to accompany it.

I find that if I gorge on chocolate or sugary drinks and juices that I can tell when I come off the sugar high and get extremely tired and a headache. I know it's not technically what you'd consider Hypoglycemic because it's takes more sugar or lack of food to give me the same feeling.

My Mom's Dr at the time put her on a no refined sugar diet. After many years on that she doesn't have trouble eating a little sugar. It gave her body the much needed break from processing a lot of sugar. Now she's able to eat some. She's still careful not to pig out at Christmas and such on candy and junk cause it will affect her when she eats a lot. She's not so sensitive now though.

This is all I know about it.
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