A Grudge
When I was 3 years old, my family moved into a nice middle class neighborhood and a few houses down the street was another family who welcomed us into the neighborhood. They had a 3 year old boy also. We became instant friends. We soon became best friends and were best friends through high school. We did pretty much everything together.
Well, off to college we go, but to different colleges. We kept in touch occassionally, but not too much since long distance calls were expensive and internet wasn't as available back then as it is now (about 10 years ago). Well, we both graduate, and he takes a job as a Christian Camp Counselor and does so for two years. During those two years, he met a girl who he decides to marry. When I get the cal from him explaining the news to me, I ask, "What should I wear?", figuring he would tell me where to get a tuxedo, since I was going to be in the wedding party. He said to just wear a suit. I was kind of confused.
After hanging up I realized I was not in the wedding party. I found out when I went to the wedding (which by the way was in the freaking forest) that his party consisted of a friend he knew from another school since he was 8 and another fellow football player from jh/hs, no biggies there, but the other two were fellow camp counselors who he had know less than 2 years and the other less than 6 months.
Also, to make things worse, when I got there (which was the day before the wedding), he saw me and told me that he and his friends were going into town to bowl or something like that and he would come get me in my "room" (a f**king shitty log cabin), in about 30 minutes when I got settled in. Well, he never came to get me a went without me.
I never had a falling out with him, either of us never did or said anything to make him not choose me to be in the party. I mean, we had been best friends for 15+ years. We did everything together. And look who he picks for his party.
I want to know, do I have a right to be angry? I have never talked to him again until my wedding when he called (I had to invite him since my parents were doing the logistics and are still good friends with his parents) his father on his cell phone and his dad gave the phone to me so "Jerkoff" could say congrats.
Please let me know what you all think...
That is my 2 cents.