Jennings Nine - Comments?
Just out of curiosity, folks -
I am thinking of purchasing a Jennings Nine (9mm) - and was wondering what your thoughts were? I haven't really heard much about this weapon, and was looking for some input.
I took it out to the range, and it is fairly accurate at about 25 yards, but not too much further than that...
Also, I looked online for information on how to field strip it, but was unable to find any. Any info or links would be much appreciated.
[Edit] I suppose I should tell you the purpose of purchasing this would be mainly for target practice, and I guess if the need ever arose for home defense. No Carry/Conceal, as it is not permitted in Wisconsin.
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...
Last edited by NoSoup; 07-22-2004 at 08:28 PM..