Originally posted by shakran
of course the REAL tip is never trade your car in. You get screwed every time, even if you think you're getting a good deal. Sell it privately.
That's entirely not true. A few years back, my folks went out to trade in their old car for a minivan. Well, the trade it was worth about $2000 Bluebook. However, because of the amounts that they promised my folks that they would pay (ie: the gaurnteed final costs and payments), the dealership HAD to give a huge amount for the car. I think we got something around $8000 for a car that wasn't worth nearly that.
Using your car as a trade in gives you a basis on marketable cost. You may get less than what you would sell it for privately, but not always. If you know what you're doing - and how to manipulate salesmen - then it's usually a good thing to come in with a trade in (especially if you don't have a huge amount to use as a down payment).