Originally posted by StormBerlin
I was sixteen when the boyfriend and I started dating. He was 23. I got a lot of shit from my friends, his friends comments mostly consisted of "Good job" or something. As far as parents, mine were totally cool, but his weren't. It's a long story.
I just got in trouble over this tonight

Wasn't really anyones fault I just met a girl that works at a ice cream shop that is drop dead beautiful and i got her number. Well I called her and her mom answer and I was going to leave a message for the girl to call me back and she ask for my age which I didn't lie and told her I was 20 she said her daughter was 16 and to never call again, well come to find out the girls mom called the girl at work and got mad at her over that and so I came there and apologize cause of it cause I felt bad for her getting in trouble. Neither of us knew our ages. Sorry for the thread jack carry on