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Old 07-21-2004, 01:20 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Kentucky
Originally posted by BigGov

While your idea sounds great on paper, it will never work in real life.

I'm also sure that all cops just love the high speed chases, I know the ones in my town do considering all of the zero high speed chases we have. Some cops join because they want to put a stop to drugs in their community, because they want a job where they can get out and about, some where they have the ability to help someone out. Not all cops are adrenaline junkies who want to go out on a high speed chase everyday, and I'm sure most cops are pretty pissed off when people make such ignorant assumptions.
Average cops have the right to be pissed off at such ignorant assumptions, as a few members of their group is making the rest look bad.

My idea may never work in real life, but is car theft worthy of putting an interstate full of people in danger? Not all cops are adrenaline junkies, but surely you will agree some are. And the ones that are get the most media attention.

But why would I care about a few cowboy cops out joyriding down the interstates? Because out of all professions, the Police are required to protect my safety and my property.

If I chased down someone who had stolen my car and spun it on the interstate, I would not be lauded as a hero, but would be a vigilante. I would go to jail, like the thief, and be charged with numerous felonies.

The reason why I can't do that is because I would be putting others physical well being in danger over a piece of property. See where I'm going here?

Maybe not. Maybe you'll call me an ungrateful bastard for those willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the rest of us.. which I am not. The police do what they can. But I have the right to be critical of them, as does everyone else who is dependant on the police.

And in return for being critical, the police will get overwhelmingly negative attitudes towards everyone else, and the process repeats itself. It is a really bad situation.
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