Interesting post, with some good points. One thing I'd like to point out:
- Another poor side effect is the dreaded loss of lust after ejaculation when you are with a partner. This obviously happens because your body and mind are used to moving on to other things quickly.
This is a biological response. Men are biologically designed in such a way that post-ejaculation they become more tired and disinterested. Women, however, become more engaged. Hence the stereotype of women wanting to talk after sex and men wanting to go to sleep. Men are biologically interested in planting seed, women are biologically interested in securing a supportive father.
- Yet another side effect that comes with a developed habit of masturbation is the urge for instant sexual satisfaction. When you are around a girl and you get turned on your body habitually expects gratification. When this doesn’t happen you suffer the usual side effects of breaking a habit such as agitation and depression. This is often very distressful for girlfriends.
Maybe THAT'S why I can't keep my hands off my girlfriend!!!