about curfew?
ok this is a question to any parents of a teen between 15 and 19 (where i am). how late do you allow your children to stay out? are there conditions to staying out? what are your reasons for the curfew time you give your child?
let me introduce myself. i'm about to be a senior in high school. while i'm not the MOST responsible kid out there, i'm definitely a good kid, and one of the more responsible kids around here. i've kept my 4.0 thus far (which was no easy task, let me tell you) i've gotten high scores on the big 2 (ACT: 32, SAT:1410) and i have never gotten into drugs or alcohol. i hang out with kids who are generally similar to me: from smart to average, womanizers to romantics, and pretty much all of them avoid drinking, smokin, etc. i take summer classes to get a head start and i even agreed to study over the summer to try to up my scores on the big 2. probably the biggest mistake i've made within the last year was sliding on a patch of ice driving home and knocking over a brick mailbox.
so now that you have a picture of me, let me explain my situation. my parents will NOT let me stay out past 12 on weekends. that's not the part i'm complaining about. on weekdays (this is summer break btw) they've expected me back by 11:30. again, this isn't too bad (i grind my teeth and deal with it) but recently my mom's been pushing my curfew for weekdays earlier and earlier....today she expected me back by 10:30.
please tell me how i can convince my parents to let me stay out a little later. this is seriously getting to me. i know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but i can't help thinking they're going out of their way to piss me off. they pull the whole "we have to work, be considerate" thing and how they "can't sleep knowing i'm not home". and while i do feel guilty, i don't believe they should refuse to go to sleep while i'm at a friends house playing CRANIUM with 9 people til 11:30.
are all parents this uptight