I have a brother who's 5 years younger than me. He's put our whole family through hell, he nearly stabbed my eyes out with a pair of scissors once, the stress he caused my stepmother when he lived with her and my dad caused her to miscarry a child...
Anyway, all that's in the past. I didn't speak to him for awhile, but a couple of years ago I felt ready to reconcile with him and we've been great friends since. The whole family had abandoned him, he had to learn his lessons the hard way and he learned them well.
Last month he had a massive brain aneurism and came within a hair of dying. When I heard about it, the first image that popped into my head was of him dying alone, unloved and helpless. It's the first time I had cried since I was a kid. It scares the shit out of me to even talk about it.
My point is this. She's the only sister you've got (as far as I know). You can sever your ties with her because she's irresponsible, abusive and selfish. Or you can forgive because she probably could use a big sister.