CpanelX is pretty cool actually.
If you're gonna be linking picts to this forum make sure your hotlinking is turned off, or atleast allow
Also here's a cool trick for advoiding spam.
Set up a sub domain. Something like "". Then make it's default email addie your most often used email addresse.
This way, when you need to give out a email addresse, to say the TFP, you can give "". Whenever the TFP sends an email to you itll be automatically forwarded to your main account.
This will also work if you set the default addresse of your site "your" to forward to your main email addie. Allthough I've found that seting up a subdomain for your account is better because your root domain will recieve lot's of untargeted spam.
If you ever start geting spam from "" you'll know that the TFP sold your email addresse. If this happens (forexample) simply set up a forwarding email addresse for this email addresse. Send it to ":fail:. Problem solved.
I realize this may be confusing, if you have any other questions please PM me. I'd be more than willing to set it up for you. Just be sure to change you Cpanel password if you want me to help you. That way you can change it back afterwards.
... or email me at[domainname].com