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Old 07-20-2004, 09:07 AM   #47 (permalink)
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Re: soft drink replacements?

Originally posted by Gustoferson
Apologies if this should be in the Cooking forum...

So I've been an avid soft drink, um, drinker, for as long as i can remember, and usually tear through a 2-liter in a day and a half. I backed off a little at college but still usually have a ton of cans of stuff to drink. At one point in high school, I couldn't fall asleep at night unless I drank a soft drink right before bed, which seems counter to caffine but thats how it was. Now a few days ago I was laying in bed and I realized that since I had run out and hadn't been back to the store, I had gone almost a week without drinking one, and kinda liked the idea that I could really cut back hard right now if I wanted to since I already had a start. I still will drink them to stay awake on the road or for late night studying, or even the occasional drink, but I think I'm going to try to stick with this whole cutting way back deal, seems like it has to be better for me than how much I was drinking before.

My question is, what the hell else am I supposed to drink throughout the day??? I've been drinking a good amount of water but I need some variety for my taste buds. So for anyone who doesn't drink soft drinks all that often, what do you drink throughout the day? And to get it out of the way ahead of time, I hate hate hate hate hate hate tea, any kind of tea, all kinds of tea, even though i've grown up in north carolina my whole life. So other than water tea, what do you drink throughout the day? I know it sounds stupid, but when you've relied on different kinds of soft drinks for this long, i just can't really picture anything else.
the one thing common in pop and sweet tea is the high sugar content. For your taste buds, I recommend juice. Pineapple, orange, grapefriut, grape.... really any kind of natural fruit juice. V8's fruit juice is pretty good, and gatorade's a good substitute for pop. I started loosing weight when I stopped drinking pop after college.
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