I seem to be having a lot of feminine problems lately. I have had this pain in my abdomen for about a week now, similar to cramps but not as bad, but it’s not time for my period for another 2 weeks or so and it’s causing me some concern. When I do have my period it comes along with at least two days of bad cramps, and my schedule has been really messed up. At least twice my period has started a week and a half to two weeks early. It seems to happen after fooling around with my boyfriend, I often get bad cramps and my period starts a few hours later. Could this be due to too much aggression or simply a coincidence? We haven’t done anything I can think of that would have resulted in this week of pain though…and I’m also a virgin if that helps. I’m going into see a doctor for an exam to get on the pill within the next month or two, and plan to ask about it then. I was wondering if in the mean time any of you have any idea what might be happening? I’m starting to worry it might be something serious.