I don't believe that hitting a child solves anything.
I have raised my son to the age of 8 and half without having to resort to striking him whatsoever.
When he was younger, it did use the time out method from time to time but the most important thing when disciplining a child is to remain consistant.
Don't threaten to do something and not follow through.
Don't threaten something you can't or won't follow through on.
I found giving him a choice (where the easier choice was my way) worked well (ie here is your choice, you can either pick up your toys and we'll have supper or you can leave your toys where they are and you can go to your room for the rest of the evening). With a small child this works wonders. They don't like to be isolated.
I also find that parents who actually pay attention to their kids and spend time with them don't have to hit them.
I see too many parents propping their children in front of the TV and then going about their business. Spend time with the kids they need the attention.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke