Windows mysteriously shutting down
OS: Win XP Pro
Mem: 768 MB DDR PC3200 Ram
HDD(Primary): Hitachi 80 GB
HDD2(Secondary): Maxtor 200GB
VideoCard: Radeon 9800 XT
CDRW Drive: Lite on
Mobo: Albatron KT600 Pro
First problem: Computer doesn't run Post test, monitor displays "no signal", no beeps during startup.
The first thing I do is open up the comp case, check that none of the wires got knocked loose. I replace the cover...restart machine, and their is no change in status.
Next I suspect that the cmos battery is run out of juice. I pull the battery out, and start tapping on the battery, maybe a little life is left in it. Put the battery in, and turn on comp. and ta-da, it works. Post test is running, I hear some familiar beeps, so I now know what I need to do--Change the Battery. Wrong Answer, as I soon found out.
I changed the cmos battery, and still it's not working. Now there's another problem.
Second Problem: Now I can logon onto my computer, but after less than 2 min. everything shutsdown. No errors are displayed.
I have both a software and hardware firewall, I have a Antivirus, with the latest updates. I also, download the windows patches, and security updates, and what not.
What should I do next? Help!