well I know she wants to be married by the time she is 30...and than prolly children a couple years after. For me....I don't have time limits on stuff like that .... but it could be because I am a guy. I can seriously say though that I don't know if I want to marry her.....and am not a huge fan of marriage since pretty much all my blood relatives have been divorced at least once. I agree that the moving in is the make it or break it of the realtionship.....and I want to know after 4 years.....but she seems like she doesn't want to yet.....in order to try and fix things??? I just don't know how you fix things.....when we will be apart (like we have been already for 4 years). Am I wrong in thinking that if this doesn't happen....we might as well break up...cause it's just keeping us at a stand still instead of moving us forward....???
I mean I take offense to it even though it wasn't meant that way...but I mean if after this amount of time....she doesn't want to move in.....what the hell is the point?? And she contradicts herself saying she could see herself marrying me in 4 years??? I dunno folks....I'm thinking about just turning gay.......haha (jk)