By easy, I meant that one can make the decision without hemming and hawing about it. I never said that the "leader" should or should not feel bad. In a case like this, one should not let feelings come before duty. That is part of being a leader. In most cases, you have to know your decision before the decision needs to be made.
In this case, for me, it is easy. I do not have to think about the answer at all.
Yes, it is tough on the family. Hell, it's tough on everybody. You just have to pray that you will never have to deal with it.
But I can tell you, most assuredly. That if your were the president and my son was the hostage, I would support the no-negotiation stance 100%. Would it hurt? Yeah. Would I like it? No. Would I waver? Probably.
Why? Because I can look at the bigger picture.
The battle is pretty much lost when you show weakness in the eye of the enemy. i.e. "paper tiger"
Is anyone going to question the resolve of the Phillipino gov't after this?
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at're a mile away.......and they're barefoot.