Child Custody Suit
Not my issue, but a friend of mine's. She has been having problems with her ex, and between him trying to take over the apartment (cause his name's on the lease, but she pays the bills), and well, to cut to the chase, it has become a sheer pissing match.
They have a two year old boy in the middle of all this...
Let's just spell it out.
He went and filed for Full Child Custody. She's been paying for food, and everything child wise, and just been trying to take care of things. She's kept most of the receipts to prove this.
He has four verbal assault violations against him in the last two years. He recently got one the other night when trying to demand her to get out of "his" apartment, and he called the cops on her, and they ended up taking him away.
So, because the legal process is now underway (she was hoping to get out of the small state of Hawaii before filing custody paperwork; she believes once the paperwork is filed she has to remain in that state till the case is closed), but since the legal process is underway, she's not sure what to do. She would like to get a lawyer, but lawyer fees are insane, and can't afford them. Would this be an open/shut case granting her full custody with the violations he has against him, and her attempts at being a responsible mother? Should she get a lawyer just to make sure? Anyone know anymore about this type of legal proceeding that could enlighten me on this situation?