Recruiters Should be Shot (rant)
I am kinda pissed off right now, and I'm sure I'll come to me senses later, but right now, all military recruiters should be shot, and the survivors shot again.
My roomate is attempting to join the navy. He is a bit overweight, not grossly fat though, or anything of the sort. His motherfucking recruiter first had him lie about his medical history, then to get through MEPs and accepted wants him to take an epson salt bath and a laxative to reduce his weight. Another couple of friends of mine joined the army and were flat out lied to about what their position would be. They were told they were going to be able to switch to what they wanted at basic, but in reality they are stuck with what the papers said. Coincidentally, it was the infantry, which is NOT what they wanted to do. I cannot even begin to tell you how much this pisses me off, but I'd be more than happy to share my reasons.
First off, with recruiters encouraging possible recruits to lie about their medical history.
What the fuck? If there are specific guidelines already set in place, they are in place for good reason. Lying might get them in, but it'll surely cause issues if the condition arises again. My friends are giving up years of their life, potentially risking death, and may be at a severe disadvantage because their medical history is not factual.
Secondly, why all these B.S. Tactics to get in under the weight limit? If they are too fat (excuse my bluntness) to join and operate at full capacity, allow them to lose the weight in a normal fashion before sending them in. The epson salt and laxitive only work for a short period of time, when my friend is running through the battlefield, it certainly won't help him then. Like a month or two really matters before going in? Why put someone already at huge risk even more at risk?
Finally, why in the hell (not to mention how could you live with yourself) would you lie to potential recruits about the position they would be in? They are doing something extremely courageous and honorable by dedicating the next few years of their lives, even their lives themselves, to help protect America. For them to think that they are going to be specializing in something that they are not upsets me greatly. I have a friend in Iraq right now, and the position he was told he was getting would have never put him there.
I want to beat the recruiter with a giant fucking stick. The worst part is he came to our apartment and started talking all secretively. "Once we do that thing, and the other thing, you'll pass" Listen here motherfucker, just because I'm not in the armed forces doesn't mean that I can't figure out what the hell you are talking about....
Sorry for the rant folks, what are your thoughts/opinions?
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...