Some of these posts are clearly from the Christian perspective of God, and that's fine for their beliefs.
I, however, prefer to know and don't like to believe. I do believe in a God for the simple reason that I exist and something created the Universe I am in. Whether it was quantum physics or some guy in a garage or some ultra-dimensional entity is pointless for me to hypothesize because the simple fact is, there are too many possibilities for me to feel safe guessing which one God is.
Therefore, I think my purpose is to live life based on the morals that society has defined. And when these morals conflict with some of my own stronger beliefs, I choose the latter (this saves me from the inevitable Nazi discussion). When I live this way I live happily. Now, if only I could figure out how to live this way all the time...
Or, taking a line from the video game Alpha Centauri (which is excellent), maybe "the purpose of life is life itself."