If we're looking at this from Christian point of view the ultimate point is to do God's will.
On a basic level this means do what God commands. In the Old Testament, if God said "go to this city and preach" you went to that city and preached or got eaten by a whale.
In the New Testament Jesus tells us not to do a whole bunch of stuff (fornicate, divorce, change money in the temple etc.)
But what's the larger point of this? I think it's to make us love each other, much as God loves us. Indeed, Jesus says the greatest commandment is to "love your neighbor as yourself." The lesser commandments are all about creating a situation where this love can happen, by helping to create a just society. But ultimately the point is for people to treat everyone's needs and wants on par with their own.
This also fulfills our destiny of being made in God's image, since God's overwhelming characteristic is loving his creation.
Haven't organized my thoughts to post in here for awhile so please excuse my rambling.