Don't get involved in her relationship with that guy, especially if you want to stay on good terms with her. As bad as he might treat's up to her to get out of it. Unless he's threatening to kill her or something, it's generally best to give her advice from the sidelines. You should try to feel her out first though - sometimes, no matter how bad someone is being treated, they refuse to have anyone else talk bad about their SO. You don't want to get in a fight with her over that. So try to get a feel for how she'll react to that first.
Second of all...I think she's just telling you because she needs someone to talk to about it and needs someone to comfort her. DON'T start getting in fights with her SO. I know people who have on-off rocky relationships and they'll let you do or say whatever you want about their SO but the second their relationship is good again, if only for a day, they'll turn on you for trying to help them. I can't stress this enough. Don't get involved with her love life. You don't want to be blamed in the end if they break up...and you don't want to end up in the hospital.
OH yeah, and now is the worst possible time to make a move on her. You need to make sure she's over this guy if you want to make her take you seriously. People do things they wouldn't normally do when they're rebounding and you don't want to get attatched and then be left behind feeling like an ass when she's over him.