Originally posted by popo
I think you have it mistaken. While Camp David wasn't feasable, Arafat should've at least stayed and negotiated. Instead, he walked away and launched a war thinking it'd get him more concessions.
It did. The violence got him the Taba offer as it forced Barak to make one last all-out attempt. Taba was a great offer for him and he still didn't accept.
Stayed and negotiated what? Camp David was a joke and an insult. Look at the maps put forth (hard to find in the US, conveniently enough). They exist, and if you look at one you'll see what I mean.
You think Arafat alone launched this latest Intifada? You don't think Sharon played any part in provoking the tired, desperate, and angry people? You remember Sharon's armed visit to the Temple Mount in September, 2000?
Nothing official was ever offered at Taba, it was a series of informal talks that were broken off by the Israelis. If anything, Arafat should have gone public with some of the things they talked about in an attempt to give his people some hope.