my 'afterlife'
To lay the groundwork of my theories, I'm a total atheist. I believe that everything is science and nothing more. There is no god. There is no salvation. There is only what we have before us.
Up comes the question, "If you believe that when you die, your light simply goes out and you rot in the ground until you're dust, what is the purpose of living? It sounds so depressing that all you have to look forward to is that."
That's a paraphrased question from a Christian (Mormon). Religious people generally believe in ascension into heaven after a lifetime of doing good. It gives them a goal to attain while they are here. It gives them a reason to get up in the morning... because they're obligated to earn their eternal life in heaven and because the thought of languishing in eternal damnation is not worth indulging in their earthly temptations. How on earth could an Athiest like me compete with a parting package of hangin' in heaven with Jesus and the angels for eternity?
As said before; when we die, we're dust. We have no consciousness once we are gone. We have to get our pleasure now, while we still can. Life, though, can be much more than a series of self-indulgent desires stringed together. To live on, as a person, you must be remembered by others.
You may live forever, infamous in peoples' eyes, as a contributor to your society and human race. You're over as soon as people forget you. What you do with your time will touch peoples' lives and to achieve the ultimate ascension into post-humous immortality, you must touch enough people with enough genuine desire, talent and drive that they write you into history.
You don't need to believe in God to be a good person. If there is a God, will he fault you for being an awesome human being, but just not someone who bought into the deal?
To me, there is no such thing as morality. There is only hurt and help. Do enough of either and you will live forever.