Originally posted by quest1mark
i duel, and im going to have to disagree with your analysis. although the game is about dueling monsters, nobody plays that way. thats just the harsh reality. those who win are those who shell out the money to buy the secret/special/ultra rares.
you were talking about longevity in dueling. while playing for fun, i totally agree with taking my time and being a more finesse type player. but in a single elimination tournament, theres no room for that. your trying to win best out of three, and with all that pressure, you want to be sure of a win. thats where the beat down decks come in. just like your sons 'warrior' theme deck, the beat down is a theme of its own and is a staple deck in every tourney. but just because there are more duelists using beat down decks, doesnt mean its the end of the world for duelists and those who play. no deck is perfect because theyre all different. thats the beauty of the game.
im just stating my case because i have a beat down deck and ive won some and lost a whole bunch. and even though i lost, i still shook the other guys hands and commended them on a job well done...even if he was 12 years old and just whooped my ass. i duel in tournaments to share a passion and to learn more about the game and the strategy aspect of it. you gotta remember win or lose, its just a game and were all there to have fun.
I can see your point, And I agree. Using any beat downdeck does take some finesse. But the discard ones do not. and I'm not takeing about shelling out the cash for a Card Destruction (UR) when a Needle Worm or Cyber jar ( Which is a rare, But is real easy and cheap to get) will do just as well. A discard deck is quick and cheap to build. And your winning by default.
Take my Warrior deck. It's side deck has two Ground Collapse and a three Infinite Dismissal traps. Just so when I go up against a beat down deck. I can make their life misable. Which is good. If they have the brains to get around it, Then they should when.
A discard card one. you just play a bunch of cards to drain your opponets cards. Which I think is chessy.
And I also agree that it is just a ghame. And should be played for fun. But you missed the point of my story. There is a oppertuneity to teach my child a important lesson. That Winning isn't everything. But winning well. And although he's just 11. It's a good lesson to teach. He may not understand it now. but someday he will. Someday he will look back and say 'So, That's what dad meant"