Kerry - So he's like whatcha doin? and I'm like chillaxin, takin a break, eating this ginormous Kit Kat Chunky.
Edwards - And I'm like takin a break?
Kerry - And I'm like ya know gotta have a break
Edwards - And I'm like so Dude like what were ya doin that ya were taking a break from?
Kerry - And I'm like nuthin. hehehehe I was doin nuthin.
Edwards - And I'm like Dude if your already doin nuthin then how do ya know yer takin a break?
Kerry - And I'm like cause I'm having a Kit Kat. Think about it.
Edwards - hehehehehehe.
Kerry - hehehehehehehe.
Last edited by Cujo; 07-10-2004 at 01:14 PM..