Stop drinking diet drinks. They're not that much healthier for you than normal soda. Sure, they take out the sugar but the stuff they replace it with (sorbitol and other sugar replacements) is horrible for your body. It kills brain cells and causes stomach problems, since your body has trouble breaking them down.
Try to get used to drinking water or seltzer - no calories.
ANd stop with the fatty foods! There are plenty of good foods out there that don't need to be fried.
A good thing to remember is that if you don't buy it you won't eat it. When you go to the supermarket, try to avoid the candy isles. If you don't buy it at the store, when you're at home you'll have no candy to munch on. Go for the carrots or much on ice or gum intead.
It's good to designate one or two days of the week where you can treat yourself. But don't go overboard.
Excersize helps too.
Last edited by Trisk; 07-09-2004 at 02:57 PM..