I have no grounds for justifying my argument but I certainly feel as if we humans - and maybe more than just humans - perhaps everything down to the last molicule are all one conciousness. There's no way I could defend that but it's just a feeling I have.
I think that time has proven that regardless of whatever differences we think we have - when it comes down to brass tacks all of us humans are connected. Be it through our instincts or something more but we're connected.
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As a child I used to wonder things like, whether or not my existence is nothing more than a dream and so all these people - this universe and everything in it is nothing more than a figment of my imgination. Or perhaps I wasn't dreaming - I was just living out my version of my own existence however to another person - a person outside of what I view as reality, I might be in their universe but in a completely different role than....it's rather interesting if you think about it.
And who says all those years of being baby-sat by a television is bad for children?
"Porn is a zoo of exotic animals that becomes boring upon ownership." -Nersesian