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Old 07-07-2004, 10:57 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Originally posted by yournamehere
After all, I remember reading somewhere that something like 85% of us feel that we're "more intelligent than the average person," which is, of course, a mathematical impossibility.
Reminds me of a quote I once heard by Robin Williams;

"Think about how smart the average person is. Now realize that half the world is dumber than that."


I generally try to keep my posts intelligent, but every once in a while, I break down and become the idiot poster. It usually comes about due to fatigue, boredom, frustration with my day, but thankfully it happens very rarely. I make no apologies, because everybody is allowed to slip every now and then. It's the people who consistently go out of their way to starting fights, and complaining about whatever that really annoy me.

When I started commenting on Fark, I used to absolutely thrash people for posting whiny comments. "I don't like the way this place is run", "How come I never get any articles posted?", "Why was this posted? My headline was funnier", "That article wasn't ironic. How come it has an Ironic tag?", and so on, and so on. It annoyed the Hell out of me. It just seemed so supremely arrogant of the poster to come into a community that was provided for free and complain about how it was being run. So I let him know how I felt.

That is, until one day I realized that by posting my venomous "Shut the Hell Up" comments, I was actually contributing to lowering to the quality of the discussion.

So, in the end, I discovered that it's a no win fight. There will always exist those who come into communities to complain, start shit, create turmoil, and these people will never go away. So why bother giving them the attention that they crave, and continuing to lower the quality of the discussion at the same time?
"A witty saying proves nothing"
- Voltaire
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