Originally posted by KnifeMissile
People are idiots and I accept that.
If we all enter a debate with that attitude, it's pretty much doomed from the start, isn't it?
I'm not singling you out, <b>KnifeMissile</b> - a lot of other replies in this thread mirror the same sentiment, and I'll admit it's one of the reasons I hit the 'back' button instead of 'submit' on a lot of threads (and the reason I generally avoid <i>Tilted Politics</i>). I guess it's human nature to view someone who disagrees with us as less intelligent. After all, I remember reading somewhere that something like 85% of us feel that we're "more intelligent than the average person," which is, of course, a mathematical impossibility.
But we can't all be right, all the time, can we? That's why there are disagreements.
I agree, though, that when a discussion erodes into sarcasm and name calling, it's better to abandon a ship that has lost its course.