Women and men think completely different. What is plainly obvious to one makes absolutely no sense to the other.
Keep up the conversation, keep communication channels open and you both will do just fine. She is being needy (I imagine) because she is feeling that all her non-family emotional connections have been severed. So she is unconsiously looking for someone to fill the void (you). Her being needy is her way of ensuring that you still care about her while her other emotional ties get strained.
She lives at home, with few or no friends. Have you ever spent a week at home after college? there's not much to do unless your old HS buddies are there. Take them out of the picture and that's what she's going through. Add the fact that her love is living far away... and her picturing you having fun every night while she sits infront of the tv. You can see how she wants to see/talk to you constantly.
Will this get better? I'm pretty sure it will once she gets back to college and can hang out with her friends again.