Originally posted by Rodney
* Go work in a soup kitchen. I did this; ended up running it, some nights. The people that walked in the door.
Toughest job you'll ever love. It's hard to imagine, but getting to know some of the people are just so inspiring,it's a wonderfully uplifting experience.
Originally posted by Rodney
* Volunteer for the local suicide prevention hotline. You'll never be bored, you'll learn a lot.
Gack. Takes a special person to do this. I surely wasn't one of them. I did it for more than a year in NYC, with Samaritans, and no way could I ever do it again. It's a tough gig. There are some high points, but many many more low points.
There are tons of organizations that have volunteer positions, there
Volunteer Match is a pretty inclusive site that I've gotten a bunch of opportunities from, googled this one for
Volunteering in Canada