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Old 07-04-2004, 09:21 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: here and there
Well, as has been mentioned in previous threads, religion and sexuality both played a very important part in my life. I grew up in a very religious household (my parents are Jehovah's Witnesses) and while I belonged to that religion myself for the majority of my life, when I graduated highschool, I realized it wasn't what I wanted anymore and I didn't agree with some of the 'rules' (couldn't think of a better word) that I had to follow. The main conflict presented was that I was dating a guy who didn't belong to that religion (a big no-no) and we were having premarital sex (another BIG no-no). I chose the guy over the religion and we're still together today. Some days are easier than others, but despite the hard times, I know I made the right decision. Although its hard not speaking to my family or my old friends, I am happy now with my boyfriend, and i couldn't have had that if I had stayed a Jehovah's Witness.....
Don't go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail - George Eliot
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