I am not of a religion,
I respect and accept all religions, and people's choices in their beliefs.
For me, my truth is that I do what feels good to me, without harm of myself or others.
I grew up a Christian- i.e. No sex before marriage- but I broke away from that (both religion and the pre-marital sex). I was not precarious, and I chose to do it with the one I love. I got pregnant even using protection, but I do not ever regret it, because I knew I was with the person I love, and that we had the most wonderful son born from that.
Sex is to be a beautiful, expressive experience of Love and Life, it is in how we choose to use it that can have consequences.
I will share with my children the beauty and wonder of sex, yet to be aware of what can happen. I will not condemn, deny, hide, or ignore it- especially these days when kids are experimenting at such a young age. Why do they do that? Because we as parents and guardians and teachers have either pressed against the issue so hard or ignoring it so much, that it leads the kids to curiosity. If they not know the beauty of it as well as consequences, instead of just being told not to do it, or not being told about it at all, they will respect and realize and understand much more.
Sex is now so hidden, yet at the same time, so condemned and looked down on, that how can we expect our kids not to be curious of it? If you tell a child not to touch something without explaining what could happen, their curiousity rises and they reach their hand out to touch it. Same thing with sex, drugs, talking with strangers, etc.
Let our children be aware but know the beauty of sexuality and let them feel comfortable with their own thoughts. If we are not open with them, they will discover it on their own without any knowledge of it.