You're right but with age comes a wisdom that is attained through experiences that unfortunately as a young adult I have yet to experience. This however does not mean we are not intelligent and capable like any human being.
Why does there need to be a reason for the primordial soup to bubble and eventually spawn us? There certainly is no evidence to this effect. Without proof of a reason or purpose behind the universe it can be argued that we therefore have no purpose or reason for exisiting.
I personally applaud your courage in shedding whatever negatiev and pessimistic inevitabilities the world waits to pass down to us and find self-fullfilment. By choosing to live for your dreams are you though? Words must be backed up by action no? Is that where we find satisfaction, in the completion of tasks and the actions that drive use to ever greater heights?
Is it just 5am in the morning here and I lack the capacity to fall in a much needed slumber?