it gets easier, but, you will never totally stop thinking about him. i was in the same boat(still am). i found that, after i wrote him a letter, saying all the things i needed to say and never got the chance too, and we talked it out, we have talked twice in 7 years. it was hard at first, because we thought we might liek to try again, but i realized the man i was with(now my husband) was the man i was supposed to be with. we grew up and became differant people, and i think that if u spent time with him now, it would show you he isn't as great as your memories. on my bad days, when i think that i HAVE to talk to him or die(and yes, 7 years later, i still have them) i force my mind to think of soemthing else, and throw myself into a project. it gets easier, i promise, but it took almost 3 years, for me to be able to commit myself totally to someone else, without worrying that i would leave them to go back with him.
How you turned my world, you precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done, I've done for you
I move the stars for no one