First of all, I feel really bad for you, and I am sorry that you had to go through all that. However, it is done and you can't change the past.
Your parents sound extremely screwed up to me (or at least their priorities are). Family first!, no matter what all those religious freaks say. Family is real and there for you (at least they should be), religion is fake. For your parents to treat you like shit and turn their backs on you is unforgivable. Love has nothing to do with religion and lifestyle choices! They should love you through thick and thin, whether they agree with your actions or not.
This makes me so mad!!!! I got lucky to have parents support my decisions, no matter what those may be. And I really hope that you grow up and have kids where you will be accepting and loving of them, no matter what.
You sound like a great girl, and I just hope that your parents haven't screwed you up..
I may sound pretty tough on your parents, but they have no excuse for turning their back on you because of a stupid religion.
Good luck, and keep your chin up.