Originally posted by Mantus
I took the bate, dowloaded some songs: 3rd Planet, Lives, What People are Made Off, Life Like Weeds, etc.
I must admit the lyrical concepts are very good, but the delivery and composition are a bit sloppy. I guess that's their style, not my thing though.
I have a couple of CD's from Modest Mouse that I got when I was trying to go more "mainstream" (In case you are wondering, I'm not listening to cool indie punk or anything, I'm listening to horrible, horrible music, so horrible that noone else listens to it.) I like the first half of most of their songs, and then they start screaming or thrashing on their guitars and I just don't handle that well. They still sit in my playlist, but I only ever make it through the first half of most of their songs, I just can't handle the changeup.
I really like the first half though