Originally posted by pan6467
This is just a non issue but it is the game of partisan politics where it pushes the sides apart and it has nothing to do with anything, but it keeps resentments of the other political party alive.
Why is that? Both sides are guilty of making issues out of the same things, and bitching when the other makes an issue of something. IT just makes no sense all it does is affirms one's belief that their party is "better" and "can deal with this non issue better, while the other side loses it over this non issue."
If it's a non issue why did you start the thread to begin with and point to this one single statement as "the nail in Cheney's coffin"?
Pan, I honestly don't understand your point in all this. I know (from our other conversations) you recognize the assinine abuse of such examples in partisan politics but am baffled as to why you cited it to begin with and then say it's a non issue.