Well I had two experences that still stick out in my mind.
First one I was driving back from a friends house with another buddy a sleep in the passenger seat. And to my 11oclock I saw a green light in the distance. Didn't think much of it. Till this light did a loop at speeds that that was too fast for any know aircraft we know of. This was at about 2am
And 2 years ago, I was running some errands. This was about 1-2pm in the afternoon. Spring day with a few clouds, when I noticed this Object which is best discribed as Sqaure or Rectanglar. Just Hovering in the air at about 1000 feet. Till a cloud passed by and covered the object, once the cloud blew by the object was gone.
BTW, my mom has said once that she heard a Humming sound late at night also. She didn't really want to go investigate it though.
Last edited by Wulf_Hunter; 07-17-2004 at 02:15 PM..