Originally posted by bonbonbox
Check the insurance rates on kids and then go figure why they are so high. Could it possibly be that they are, as proven by accident reports, the most likely to have accidents due to thier imaturity? No that couldn't possibly be it. Mayhaps the insurance industry just has a blind, baseless distrust in the judgment of anyone under 25.
People over 70 cause just as many, if not more accidents than teenagers. They just cause them in different ways. Insurance rates are not nearly as high for senior citizens than they are for 16 yr old kids.
It would be nice if everyone could just focus on having fun and school when they are young but be realistic. Kids start becoming parents at 16, their families can't always afford the clothing or college, they want things for themselves, and they get kicked out of the house. Making the driving age would cripple them and be very bad for them.
When you are 18 you are legally responsible for yourself, there's no being tried as a minor anymore. Not being able to vote (even if its a bad vote) would be a huge smack in the face.