hmmmmmmmmmmm Good advice boco. Well im no expert but i do lift alot more now and for the first time in my life i have gotten way better results by doing stuff the right way like BOCO stated. I mean this Info has been around forever how do we still get confused??? Anyway in highschool i took bodybuilding and gained shit!!!! i went to the gym with my friend and worked out 4 times a week now its only 3 but for 6 months ive been working out ive gained 15 pounds mass. and i did it by eating protien and working hard lifting big, for few reps. now my muscles like it better when i use slightly lighter weight and feel the BURN baby!! well point is i dont leave the gym till my muscles were ripped not just tired but i can feel them busting out what seems like my skin, its contracted so hard. and changing the routines different exercises for the muscles. Its hard to keep motivated when in the gym especially with school and stuff but damn i look 10X better when the shirt comes off =)...... Boco what do you recommend for taking protien supplements??? i take Nitro tech currently and so far the process is going very slowly but i think maybe im at a plateau so im 156 pounds what should i take daily???