You know, I read your post and just about fell over due to the similarities in our lives right now.
My mom just had a lump found too but they're still testing to see whats up with it. Its got me freaked out.
A week ago I fucking NAILED my dads Blazer and put a foot wide by foot and a half tall dent in the drivers door. I can get him a new door but the paint is faded due to it being a 15 year old S10 (that was nearly flawless before I screwed it up.) So I've been feeling shitty about that.
Also, my girlfriend and the one rock in my life is also leaving for Hawaii in two days. She'll be there for almost two months.
And lastly, the one dissimilarity between us is that I'm the asshole you have to worry about on the road because I drive too fast in a too shitty car
So I really sympathize with you and I'm glad there's someone out there that understands where I'm at too. Just keep plugging and don't overthink about all the things that are going on. It'll just freak you out and make everything seem a whole lot worse.
Oh, and don't forget to take care of yourself! Its easy to forget that when you're worried about other things and people. You won't be any good to friends and family if you're tired, stressed, and ill because you've been to worried to keep yourself healthy.