A 22 Mag can shoot 100 yard with no problem I have a mossberg chuckster and have killed many groundhogs, quite a few at 100.
It looses killing power at about 150yards and its accuracy is not good enough to attempt past 100.
I personally do not like Savage guns, If your gonna buy a gun, then do it right. Remington/Winchester/Weatherby/Shylin have been doing it right for over 100 years. Looking at the accuracy tables of last years markmanship tournament, Weatherby and Shylin are probably the 2 most accurate barrels you can get. 80% of your accuracy will come from your barrel.
Winchester/Remingtons were also in some of the top ranked guns.
Anyway, I suggest looking at remingtons new .204. 40gr. bullets with a mid powder charge.
In all honesty Smackre, My true advice, is to save up your cash a little bit longer, and spend the 500 bucks for the gun that YOU want, not the one you can afford. Put a scope on it accordingly Luepold or Berz.
Guns are oen of the few things that very very few people will not take care of. Remember, theres a good chance your gonna give it to your kid someday if he is interested in such a thing.
I promise you will not be disappointed in your dicision.
(Edit) Back again, I know that most people who whistledog hunt also hunt larger game, whitetails, maybe bear. Most states have lowest required caliber of a whitetail gun at .270 Off hand I think WV is .243
When choosing a gun think about if you'll be taking it to Whitetail hunt, moose hunt, elk hunt, boar hunt, in your state, or out of state also.
It could save you money someday if you don't have a gun to do something like those things and you have a dual purpose gun.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.
Last edited by Menoman; 06-22-2004 at 01:20 AM..