Originally posted by Karby
...all i'm saying is that for me personally, i'm finding it increasingly difficult to credit the current administration with anything more than half-truths.
Yep, and I think you'll find that they aren't particulary apologetic about it. The
truth is strictly
need to know, and I suppose that the " 'Merican People" aren't on
need to know status.
As for the rest of the Iraqi war stuff, I'll say what I characteristically say about this situation. In my opinion, none of the arguments justifies going to war on it's own.
If they were all true, then perhaps I could see some sort of justification for military involvement. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of them have turned out to be crap. That aside, what I have not understood since the beginning of this things is
Why now? In order to make this type of strident military campaign, committing thousands of U.S. troops to the area, and a whole bunch of taxpayer $$$, in a publicly acknowledged "pre-emptive strike" I expect a bullet proof rationale for war (are we actually at war? I mean, is there an official declaration of
War. I am under the impression that we are not.) that can listed out on a slide presentation, not exceeding perhaps 10 slides. What a fiasco.
If the Administration / Congress / Federal government can not provide this explanation, and so far they have failed, that is sad. If they are unwilling to because of security concerns, fine. Just don't expect my trust and support. I don't trust and support things that I know are lying or intentionally deceiving by shading / sheltering the truth, even if it is claimed to be for my own good. That is a situation in which I inherently am unable to determine the truth of the claim.