Dead Kennedy's - California Uber Alles
Nice intro. Suonds like the song is about a power trip. This song is alright.
Minor Threat - Straight edge
46 seconds, It's hard to hear what he is saying, except "ive got straight edge"
Minor Threat - Filler
This is better than straight edge. But I still dont lilke it very much.
Snapcase - coagulate
Kindof reminds me of New Noise. I cant make out what he is saying. The guitar and drums are done well.
Snapcase - new Kata
So far a lot different than the last song. I like this one better than the last one, but its not close to Apex Theory.
Snapcase - First Word
Faster, heavier. No build up like the first song. But I dont like it very much, yet. Its getting better. I think IM going to keep snapcase around for a while and see if it grows on me, because I am not turned off by it.
The Used - A Box Full of Sharp Objects
Its got a part around 50 seconds with some guy screaming into the mike. I dont like that part. It would be different if I could understand what he was saying.
The Used - Choke Me
Not playing for some reason. I dont get it.
The Used - Maybe Memories
Its got like a siren sound at the start. But I dont like this band that much.
Blindside -
They remind me of New Noise. I still dont like the yelling into the mike in the way where I cant understand what they are saying.
Im gong to get to studying now, Ive added everything to my playlist, so I might tell you what I think when it comes up. If not I will get to everything by later tonight.