Here's one FOR abstinence I heard in school.
"So you don't have to compare with past partners"
There was a guest speaker who came to my HS and talked about abstinence and he brought this point. He said he heard so many come to him crying that they wish they'd wait after marriage because everytime they have sex with their spouse, they would compare or think of past partners, thinking, "Well, this is different" or "Not as good as that other guy/gal." And then they'd feel guilty about it because they don't want to think that way, but yet, they can't help it.
two other reasons that he gave that made valid points are
1) So you won't have to fight a bad reputation - self explanatory
2) So you won't be stealing from someone else's marriage - he refers to guys who wish his wife is his first, but she isn't, due to sex before marriage with other guys.
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.