Sex for some is just an act that provides physical pleasure. For happier relationships, sex is bondage ( A bond! We're not to the games yet...). Sex can be an experience that will make love grow. The needs of each partner are filled by the other, providing that bond. As this bond gets better over time I'm sure the relationship would as well. So I guess the sex part comes down to this. Is the relationships love, or just hormones?
I wouldn't wait till I was married to have sex. I find that to be a little far. I want to know all I can before I give myself to this person for marraige. Waiting till the relationship was deep and strong before having sex sounds fine to me. I'd rather sex be something that brings us closer rather then just taking care of physical needs. I didn't wait to be married, and I'm glad. I learned things about my partner, I'm happy to say for the better... but what if it hadn't worked out.
Any comments?
Fetch me the spirit, the son and the father,
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.